Monday, January 4, 2010


The last 2 weeks have been agony for some people, well a lot of people. Everyone around me maybe.. And sometimes I feel like the negativity is smothering me. Yeah, I'm really sorry your lives suck, but unless it's something serious, please shut up! Like I don't care if your mother wont make you food when you get home, like get it yourself! Whatever!

It's frustrating when people whine about asinine issues in the same volume as people with real issues! I've heard stories about being locked out of your door for an hour, and this was said in the tone that the world is coming to an end, while a really good friend saw her dreams come apart in one long blow. That is something important, not being shut out of your house for an hour!

Sorry, I think I've been whined to too much and my life is going perfectly well!!! I have nice things to look forward to and I feel myself sinking into a depression cause EVERYONE around me is a freaking whine-o!!! Pick your issues people!

There I needed to get that out! Now, I spent NYE at home, rang it in with fresh strawberry daiquiri and my mum and friends from Germany and France (Go msn/skype!!!). Now this was a really nice way to ring it in, but I did get the wierd looks, the "maybe she doesn't have friends" and whatever. All I can say is look at your life before judging mine, just because I do not want to spend it with people I don't know and drink myself comatose, does not mean I am not cool. Boo!

My German friend is coming in March!!! I'm super duper freaking excited for this!!! I cannot wait for her to come! Then, in less than 2 months I will officailly be one of them oldies! Not looking forward to that. Gonna let my birthday slide and then kick it up in NYC and LA :D

I fell quite badly on Sunday. It was a funny thing. I was carrying my dog, talking quite animatedly to her (which I do often) and I tripped. if I wasn't carrying her, I could have easily recovered (year of tripping training, I now possess God like recovery skills), but since I was carrying a 14 kilo dog, I tipped forward and tall me came crashing down. I skinned my elbow real bad and happily fainted at the sight of blood. The fun ended there.

Now, though the wound is much better and doesn't hurt, it BURNS like the fires of hell, or how I assume the fires of hell would burn, when stretched or if anything comes in contact with it. I also know how my elbow will look if I put on about 20 kilos. It's swollen and I keep forgetting this so I keep hitting my desk at work! Ouch!

My coworker got a tattoo! I really want one, but no way am I willing to go through any pain! When laser tattoos are invented, I will be the first to get it! Till then, henna is my best friend!

I think I've rambled, ranted and entertained enough for this post. Happy New Year folks! <3


  1. The thing about whingers, whiners and complainers is to not let their incessent depressive state seep it's way into your own life.
    It's happened to me before. And it lasted years. Now I know how to distance myself.
    I do hope that I am not on that list though! If that's the have permission to bitch slap me some!

    I badly want a tattoo! But I am not sure. I need to be sure of what I want. HENNA! Now that is fun! But I should head over there and get a pro to do it!

    There is nothing wrong with a quiet NYE and go the Daiquiri!

  2. Thanks for the shoutout, well kinda shoutout ;)

    How old will you be, if you don't mind me asking?
    Oh and here's the idea: As an experienced person when it comes to tattoos, i could hold your hand while you're getting one when I'm there ;) Think about it.
