Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The disapproving mother

There are only ten zillion TV shows about the disapproving mother and only a hundred zillion stories about disapproving mothers out there. I sometimes identified with these stories, muttering "what right do they have to judge! As if they are perfect!" Well, for the last few months, I've shut up about them. See, I've become one of them! The "them" is now an "us".

My baby, my beautiful baby, is now very much in lust/love with a Pomeranian. Yes! Those nippy, yippy dogs!!!! What the hell! See, it's not that he wears a studded collar and rides a bike, or is too old or young for her. He is just really annoying. And honestly, I'm not sure I'm that comfortable with someone sniffing around my baby girl. I am always this close to sticking my leg out, in the direction of that dog.

I definitely do not approve of him. He is most disapproved of. I feel like if I say this a lot of times, then somehow, he will get the message and back the hell off. it makes me cringe to see how excited she gets when she sees him! She gets all waggy, and excited. Darn cute, if it was some other dog. Any other dog. She had such a cute beagle running after her, but she shunned him for this nasty piece of fur. Ew.

Now, I shall hope that I have put this message out in the universe, and that dog will get it! Until then, the plan is to wake up freakishly early on ALL days, yes even Sunday, and take her out when *he* is not there. Gah. The lengths a mother goes to protect her baby!


  1. haha...they always find a way *whistles*

  2. hahaha! You have a way of chearing up people's days, I'm telling you!
