Wednesday, January 13, 2010

People have adventures, I have them cowventures.

So, here's a piece of advice - Do not take pictures of cows. Especially of the do not like you. They will chase you across the street. I wanted to take a nice picture of a cow scratching it's ear, but apparently it had other ideas. Suddenly it's ear wasn't so itchy.

So, for the past 10 days, I've been eating one bag of potato chips a day. I think it's safe to say that I am indeed addicted to this stuff. Oh well. We'll just put it on the list. I have some things that annoy me to no end. One thing that I feel so mad about is people telling me that I either have an eating disorder (read anorexia/bulemia) or that I look like a person who has one. I'm going to say a few things. When telling me I look anorexic, do not pronounce it anoreCZic. Learn how to pronounce it first! Have any of you ever seen an anorexic person? S/he is not skinny. They are gaunt, literally skin and bones and unhealthy, like diseased. Now, do I compare you to a oozing pustule? No. I do not. So why are you comparing me to something equally disgusting? I'm skinny. Deal with it!

My next New Year resolution. Anyone who says crap about me being skinny, get ready for some very rude comebacks. I have a LOT of them. They have been repressed far too long. I really don't get how it's okay for a person to go "Oh my gosh you are so skinny" while it's considered beyond rude to say "Oh my gosh you are so fat" Why? We are still commenting on body size. I think I shall do that from now. When someone says "Why are you so skinny?" I will say "Because you are so fat. The universe needs balance."

Now I am done with my rant. Thank you for reading. Do comment. I enjoy reading them. Your comments that is. In case I wasn't clear. :D


  1. HAHA...because you are so fat!

    I've never had this problem. Though I don't like it when people constantly comment on one particular thing. So I get that!

  2. LOL Say that to someone when I'm there will you? Wanna see the person's face.
    I'm jealous of people who can eat and don't gain weight. A bag of potato chips a day would mean 30 mins on the treadmill at least :P
