Monday, December 21, 2009

Been a while

Hey all! It's been a while yes. Well, the Universe decided to be upset with me for a couple of weeks. I was actually graceful! Imagine that! Shocking! But, not to worry. One morning I came to work and tripped over a chair falling smack onto a wall. It bloody hurt, but nothing was broken. More than being upset about this, I was thrilled! I was back! the Universe was not mad at me anymore! Whoop!

Since then, there has been some minor things where i've fallen off my bus seat and generally gotten tangled in my dog's leash. It was her fault though. The funniest thing happened when I visited a friend's house. This friend had a kitten called Kit. Now I am not a cat person. They scare me and creep me out. I was told that this was a shy cat and wouldn't come close to strangers. Now guess whi decided to climb all over me and literally put her face next to mine. My squealing for help didn't do anything and I was scared to hiss or meow incase she scratched my face. Oh well. It finally got distracted when my friend came. Wow. That is as close a cat has ever been to me. That will never happen again. Well, at least for a while. It then also jumped on me!!! Holy ow it's claws! and then rubbed itself all over me, creeping me out to the max. Yeah, I'm a total dog person, even if large dogs like to um, you know, me.

I modelled! As a goth lesbian! LOL! It was for an ad that will be competing in international competions like Cannes and One Show. Here's hoping it wins! I channeled Kate Walsh. The Walshies will know what I'm talking about. Today I also complete a year of working fulltime! Whoop! So excited!

That is about it. Happy Holidays all!

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