Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A day in Romy's life!

I love my hair today :P


  1. Dude that is sooooo cool!!! Haha, you really got your boss on tape? I LOLed. And yay Vishwa, say hi to her. I really loved the idea. I should do something similar though I doubt I'll get my students to participate haha.

  2. Haha I did!!! So funny! I actually caught a jet, so I'm excited about that!

  3. niiice..! I once made a vid like this for my grandparents, when I was in uni. My grandpa confided in me that he was gonna keep up the financial support, cos one of his brothers had a grandson in uni too and had told him all about it. 'Hard life...' So I'm like, ehm, Gramps, I love you, and I love your financial support, but really, no need to worry, it's more like the best time of your life! I don't live in Amsterdam anymore, I emigrated to this small, friendly town, I'm in a nice, christian student union, heck, they even have a price for the boy who bikes home the most girls..! Him: 'yeah.. you never know what those guys are up to...' #reassurancefail

    So I made them a vid about a week in my life there :) Will see if I still have it somewhere..., such a cool thing to have for yerself too!

  4. I see Gube!!! lol

    You did great Romy! I don't know what you were worried about. And I finally got to hear your voice. :D
