Wednesday, August 18, 2010

That thing you tell yourself not to do.

You know how there are some things you tell your self not to do, but then do it anyway? I'm not talking about some major life changing decision, but about the little things. Let's take me for an example.

Today, I had a craving to eat McAlooTikki from McDonalds. I don't know why, but when I passed the McDonalds on the way to work at 8:45am this morning, I had this sudden urge. I wanted to get off and wait till it opened and get the burger. I shook my head, hung on till 1pm and decided to get it. Now I need to take the bus to get to mcDonalds. So I went to the bus stop and stood on the curb. I was standing close to the curb, because when it isn't rush hour, the bus doesn't really hang around till you amble into the bus.

As I saw the bus approaching, I reminded myself that I was close to the curb and that I mustn't fall off. Now I should have realised that once I reminded myself not to, it was going to happen. Sure enough, the bus came to a stop and I went crashing into the side, because my foot sliped off the curb! Luckily there were only about 20 people on the bus who laughed at me. This was only because there were 20 people on the bus. I shook my head and went in.

Has this ever happened to you? There has been a time when I've been walking on a footpath (which is elevated) that is next to a gutter type thing. I've told myself that I must not walk into the gutter and promptly fallen off the footpath because I simply walked away from the gutter, not realisng that the footpath is only 5 feet wide! (I think I may have mentioned this earlier)

Or, while walking, you see cow poop a bit ahead and go "Oh cow poop! I must not step in it" and then forget and step right in it when you approach it! The same principle is applied with a rock and tripping over it!

It also works when I'm carrying something and someone else says, "don't drop it" I'll drop it. Or if someone (by that I mean my grandmother!) says "Don't fall down the stairs, go slowly", guess who's at the end of the stairs with a very painful bottom?

Please tell me this happens to you guys too and I'm not the only person who's wires are mostly crossed in the head?


  1. Think of anything but an elephant! what are you thinking of? - an elephant!

    I so understand what you mean, happens to me too. Especially when it comes to forgetting, I ask someone something and while listening I think "remember that, remember that" and wooosh, it's gone minutes later...

    But I think you're fine until the cow poop is right down the stairs you fall down, now that would be even worse :)

  2. I am glad I don't have that problem.

    What on earth is a McAlooTikki!? haha...
