Monday, August 23, 2010

The supernatural or the paranormal.

For the longest time, I've debated the issue of ghosts or spirits or whatever you want to call it existing. I swing back and forth, finding the topic fascinating. I've never personally had any encounter with this kind, so have never been able to say anything for sure.

This morning, the unexplainable happened. I was asleep and was startled awake by a loud crash and my dog barking. I was unsure as to what it was, but grabbed my trusty rolling pin and went to check it out. The crash came from the kitchen. The last time this had happened, there were pigeons trying to nest there! But the windows were boarded up now, so it could not have been a pigeon.

I found 4 Tupperware boxes on the floor and nothing else. It couldn't have been rats, cause we don't have a problem, the windows were shut, so it wasn't the wind, no cats, Gyp is too small to push the containers down from such a height, no loud noise to shake the shelf, no minor earthquake. There is nothing that I can think of that would cause the containers to fall!!

It is truly the weirdest thing ever! By the time I finished checking the whole house, I had the brilliant idea to try and see if Gyp would come with me into the kitchen, because I've read that animals can sense spirits or anything unusual, but I found her asleep on my bed. So that was a no go.

I'm a little weirded out by this. It totally brings up the topic of the supernatural for me. Do you guys have any thoughts about this particular incident or any thing that may have happened to you?


  1. there's natural. and then there's super natural. heightened reality. different realities. i believe there are realities of which we have no awareness. we don't need to know everything.

  2. not a clue... but I did find it spooky when I was awoken by my computer that decided to start itself up at 4 am in my student dorm, with all the doors locked and electricity working fine, judging by my still functioning digital clock. Same goes with our radio shifting itself on from time to time, or my friend's hairstyler doing the same. Think I've just come to believe electra does weird things... but yeah, it's spooky.

  3. It's a fascinating topic that causes much speculation.
