Friday, June 3, 2011

When you just gotta go!

I was at PVR cinemas today to watch the fourth installment of Pirates Of The Caribbean. Now, I ordered my usual coke-popcorn combo and settled in. Halfway through the movie, we broke for interval, but I chose to stay in my seat as I didn't really need to do anything. I sat through the crappy advertisements, that seem to air only in movie theatres and laughed at them with my mum.

About five minutes after the interval, I felt like I needed to pee, but it wasn't really anything urgent, so I was sure I could last the rest of the movie. I ignored it, to a point where it became un-ignorable and there was still about half an hour left of the movie. I excused myself, and ducking, so that I wouldn't disturb anyone, ran out of the hall and went to the loo.

Now, in the Gold Class cinemas, there are no stalls, only one loo. There is one for women, one for men and one for the handicapped. I made my way up the ramp, down the corridor and to the women's loo. I, very confidently, turned the handle, because I thought no one would really be in there. There was someone in there. I think I scared her because I jiggled the door a little.

I REALLY needed to pee at this point, so I debated between the handicapped loo and the men's loo. I then thought, what if some poor old dude who was handicapped needed to go, so I opened the men's loo. I peered inside, but there was only a urinal and I can't go on one, so I went into the handicapped loo.

Incidentally, here is some information for you guys. The men's loo smells nicer than the handicapped loo. I think they don't clean out the handicapped loo as often as they do the men's. So, I did wish for a millisecond that I did have a willy and could use the cleaner loo! Sheesh!

It was quite funny when I came out, because I looked under the door, if I could see any shadows that may indicate people standing outside. When I couldn't, I slowly opened the door and peeked and quickly ran out and stood in front of the women's loo, trying to act as if I had just come out of there. I kind of fled the scene, when I heard the door behind me open though. I didn't really want to meet the woman who was, I am sure startled, by the door jiggling earlier.

What would life be without adventures!

1 comment:

  1. lol! I always use handicapped loos (A) Seriously, what's the point of always leaving those empty? If a handicapped person rolles up, surely they can wait for 5 seconds till I'm out...? Glad you got to go though, when people write about this or it's mentioned in a movie, I can't think of anything else till they managed to find a toilet ;)
