Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dangers of sleep!

So, I've had two major sleep events if you will so far! One happened in at the Art Of Living Ashram (which is now, my MOST embarrassing moment!) and one in my room, with my roommates as witnesses. I'm going to tell you the incident in my room, before the AOL incident. Need courage to share that one!

This morning, I woke up and did my Surya Namaskar, and went online, while waiting for the hot water to come on. My roommate Azmeen woke up a while later, and casually asked me if I talked in my sleep. I froze. I was like "Please tell me I didn't! Please tell me I didn't" in my head, but as luck would have it, of course not. I said that I did sometimes and it was the result of an over active imagination. She said that she heard me talking and called out "Saroma?" and I said "Huh?" and when she asked if everything was okay, I turned on my cell phone for a second and went back to sleep!!!! But she couldn't quite make out what i was saying (thank the Universe!).

I apparently really freaked her out! LOL! And I was, of course, mortified! And here are the perils of social networking.... I posted the fact that I talked in my sleep on Facebook and Twitter and then, proceeded to tell Azmeen and Jayati, my other roomie to not tell anyone! Like an idiot! It then occurred to me that I had already essentially told the whole world and not just my classmates. Nice Romy, nice!

I need to cut down on the Facebook and Twitter, but when something this funnily humiliating happens, I can't not share it! So anyway, lets just say that my roomies are now well aware of my sleep talking habits. I wonder if I should let them know about my sleep walking or just let them discover it themselves! (KIDDING!)

Now, the second incident, aka, my most embarrassing incident!

In the Ashram and the AOL programs, when we do the Pranayamas and the Kriyas, we are asked to lay down and relax, to ground yourself. Because doing the breathing exercises and meditating really stirs your body and mind and you kind of need to calm down. Now, this is for ten minutes, and I am usually awake and conscious. For some weird reason, I totally fell asleep. It wasn't even asleep, because I was dreaming, but I wasn't because it was SO realistic and I truly believed that I was awake. But yes, when the ENTIRE class of eighty people woke up, I still remained SLEEPING! I am so mad at Anisha for not waking me up!!!

I woke up to find the class and the instructors watching me and you can always tell when people are staring, so while I don't remember this exactly, i shot up and said "What's up?". That was just...... embarrassing to say the least. Apparently, four people were hissing my name to wake me up, because you're not supposed to wake a person up, if they "go to sleep" after the meditation and the breathing. I am using quotation marks, because I'm not entirely sure one goes to sleep. It's not a trance, but it's like looking at the world from a third person's point of view. Super weird, but cool. I wouldn't want to do it again though. They couldn't wake me up, because I am the girl who sleeps so deeply that I've slept through an EARTHQUAKE!

Anyway, to sleep and wake up with a "what's up?" in front of your class, that you've known for ten days, and the senior teachers at the Art Of Living Ashram, is something not many can boast about can they?


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