Sunday, March 4, 2012

Bucket list - Year 25!!!

1) Second chances
2) My equilibrium with the universe restored!! The whole not getting what I want thing is driving me crazy!
3) Peace!
4) To visit a new country
5) Truce with the bovine!
6) My own apartment - to decorate the way I want and to live in it the way I want to :P
7) Learn a new language!
8) Meet a new celebrity (Comic Con!!! Come onnnnn!!!)
9) Muscles! I want an awesome toned body!
10) No more new scars! Which means, no more falling down or scratching myself r any more accidents!
11) Meet more of my Internet friends!
12) Get a hamster/ferret/guinea pig
13) Get a job!!!!!
14) Learn a musical instrument, or at least start to learn one
15) No more animal or insect related injuries. Bees, I'm talking to you!
16) Become famous.. Relatively at least
17) Make a play at Uni actually happen!!!
18) Whine less. Lessen the negativity in my life!
19) Less drama all round!
20) Try something new. I know what it is, but not gonna share this!
21) Try a new cuisine.
22) Ride the Bangalore metro!
23) Get a bikini! Yes, I don't own one :P
24) Clean room/apartment/residential area every week! (this one is a little far fetched, but we'll see!)
25) A resolution carried forward since every birthday and new year since I was 16 - Learn to walk in heels! Now who's up for teaching me?


  1. Those are a lot of HUGE things to do in one year at the age of 25!! Though really, I wish you all the best with it! :D
