Monday, December 21, 2009

Been a while

Hey all! It's been a while yes. Well, the Universe decided to be upset with me for a couple of weeks. I was actually graceful! Imagine that! Shocking! But, not to worry. One morning I came to work and tripped over a chair falling smack onto a wall. It bloody hurt, but nothing was broken. More than being upset about this, I was thrilled! I was back! the Universe was not mad at me anymore! Whoop!

Since then, there has been some minor things where i've fallen off my bus seat and generally gotten tangled in my dog's leash. It was her fault though. The funniest thing happened when I visited a friend's house. This friend had a kitten called Kit. Now I am not a cat person. They scare me and creep me out. I was told that this was a shy cat and wouldn't come close to strangers. Now guess whi decided to climb all over me and literally put her face next to mine. My squealing for help didn't do anything and I was scared to hiss or meow incase she scratched my face. Oh well. It finally got distracted when my friend came. Wow. That is as close a cat has ever been to me. That will never happen again. Well, at least for a while. It then also jumped on me!!! Holy ow it's claws! and then rubbed itself all over me, creeping me out to the max. Yeah, I'm a total dog person, even if large dogs like to um, you know, me.

I modelled! As a goth lesbian! LOL! It was for an ad that will be competing in international competions like Cannes and One Show. Here's hoping it wins! I channeled Kate Walsh. The Walshies will know what I'm talking about. Today I also complete a year of working fulltime! Whoop! So excited!

That is about it. Happy Holidays all!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Good Girls Go Bad

Do you good people have hamsters? If you do, then you'll know that those things have real sharp teeth! I wanted to clean out my hamster (Addison Lorelai) cage, so I attempted to pick her up. I did pick her up, but not the way I planned. See, she bit into the pad of my hand (the ones at the base of your fingers)and proceeded to cling on when I drew my had away! Bloody hell that hurt! I was literally trying to shake off a hamster clinging onto my hand with her teeth!!!! Doofus puncture wound wouldn't stop bleeding and I promptly fainted at the sight of my gushing blood. What's new there huh? This was a while ago, but I am telling you now. Oh well.

The other supremely funny thing that happened was that I got into work about 15 minutes early the other day. Now I sit in this enclosure with a door. This door is usually open and I didn't even know they locked it. I found out they did. How? Well, It's one of those automatically shutting doors so you have to use force to shove it open. I am small, so I pretty much have to use most of my energy to push it open. Guess who shoved herself into the door trying to get it open on that early morning? The security guy was laughing when he unlocked it for me! Embarassment much? It didn't hurt as much as the wall though.

Another thing I remembered was that when you use public transport, you end up having to run after busses quite a bit. When you do so, you scream things like "Stop!" or "Wait!". No, no. When I run after a bus I scream "Excuse me! Excuse me!". I realised I was doing this after the first time this happened, and I smacked myself on the head thinking how stupid I was. The next time it happened, I'll give you 3 guesses to guess what I screamed. Yeah. Excuse me.

Ringtones are another issue for me. You all have heard "Good Girls Go Bad" by Cobra Starship featuring Leighton Meester yes? Well, that is my ringtone. Now, it's a workday. I am my desk, typing away, and all is quiet. Now my phone goes off, "I make them good girls go bad" and I answer "Hey mom! What's up?". Let's just say my colleagues had a real good laugh!

In other news, I saw the new Parenthood promo with Lauren Graham! It's so kick ass!!! I love it! She literally growls and charges at her daughter when she says "Oh her bark is worse than her bite" Love it!!!! Now if only she'd join Twitter like all the other good celebs!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Best beats the worst!

Sometimes you have the worst days, where everything goes downhill and you need just that one tiny bit of something positive. Then it comes. Only it's not a tiny bit, it's the whole freaking dinosaur sized bit of positive!

Kate Walsh tweeted to me. TWICE!!!! It is 12:58am now. I am not the least bit sleepy! I am that hyper! I have an unpleasant thing to do tomorrow, but I know that this will tide me over. It will tide me over anything!

I think I twisted my knee (is that even possible?) and it is now in a soft cast. A binding if you will. My leg is straight, I cannot bend it. I really don't know how my friend Alina went through a knee surgery! I'd have died. Anyway, how did I twist my knee, you wonder?

I took my doggie out at 4:30. On the road she decides to suddenly stop and sniff something. I walking fast try to avoid her, but end up tangling my legs and falling flat on my face! Then I have to hobble after her yelling at her to come the eff back cause she decided that sniffing another pee spot is more important than her mum lying on the road in pain! It does not help that instead of helping you up, or helping you catch your dog, people around you point and laugh! Well not point, but they did laugh.

Well, I came home and nursed my wounded pride with Blueberry Cheesecake and Red Velvet cupcakes. I have been eating these cupcakes for the last 3 days, and at least 4-5 a day! This along with ice cream (It's hot here), chips and cookies make my daily diet of junk.

Today I ate cake, ice cream, a pear, some carrots and pasta for dinner. Am I 900,000 pounds? Nope. It is a medical marvel.

I also discovered the joys of Skype. Thats a fun thing!!! Had a 3 way conf call with Germany and Netherlands! It is just cool to say that! Also Amy Brenneman tweeted to me, she was the first celeb to do that! Sent spasms of joy through me! Then Tim Daly also tweeted, but he kinda dissed me! I was a wee bit annoyed till I was like dude, it's Tim Daly.

That's about it. Haven't walked into anything or been chased by anything either. Why do I feel that this is inviting trouble?

Friday, November 20, 2009


It was a busy Monday for Addison,
She had patients that numbered nine,
So for breakfast she grabbed a bun,
And headed out into the sunshine.

Her glasses were on cause of the sun,
And she wore black heels and a purple dress.
Her really hot cop and she were done,
She wasn’t missing him less and less.

She decided to play hookey cause she was done.
She missed him so much her heart would ache.
She flipped her phone and called that hottie with a gun,
You see, she had lots of sprinkled doughnuts to bake.

He answered the phone while on a run,
When he heard her voice, he was pleasantly surprised.
She said she wanted some fun
And he felt something rise.

He was soon on his way over,
She greeted him with a big smile and a “Hi hun!”
He grabbed and pulled her closer
She was the best thing he could have won!!!

A cookie poem cause I needed cheering up! Lol!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Just me. Only me.

So, incase you guys don't know, it's a 2 hour journey from work to home every evening. Now there is a traffic signal at my dog's vet which provides for entertaining animal sights. If you are indian, you will know what an Auto is, if you're not, google it. There was this guy who was trying to force his dog, a great dane, into an auto. The funniest thing is that after he finally coaxed his dog to get in, and he got in, the dog jumped out from the other side and he was forced to run after his dog screaming! LOL!

Another thing that happened is that I fell over the plant at work only twice this week! This is a huge reduction from my usual, but I do think my knee has had it with me. It hurts! :(

Also, I woke up this morning to find money under my pillow when I reached to turn off my alarm on my phone. I got so excited and checked my teeth to see which tooth had fallen off! I mean, the tooth fairy left me money right??? It was only when my brain actually woke up, I remembered putting the change from my pyjama pockets under my pillow before falling asleep! Also that I was 22, and if my eeth were falling out, there was would be something wrong with me. aah! Early mornings are the best time!

OMG! My phone ring tone is the song "Good Girls Go Bad" and I was listening to the radio with my earphones (on my phone) and the song came up. I just tried to answer my phone, not understanding why even though I'm "answering" it's not ringing for a good 15 seconds. One must not function on no sleep.

Why no sleep you ask? Well, it is apparently a bad idea for you to eat a triple layered fudge cake at 10pm. It keeps you up. All that sugar.

Oh on the bright side, i set up SMS alerts for Kate walsh's tweets so I get texts from Kate Walsh! Woot!

My life ladies and gentlemen. My life!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Things just seem to happen to me.

So, one good thing that's come about from my dog having boys in her life and making me take brisk hour long walks is that I have great legs! Whoop! A lot of people know me as a klutz. It's such a given, that I'm introduced as "This is Romy. She is a klutz." You accept it and move on. It's when you start hanging with new people that this character trait becomes glaringly obvious. I have no spatial judgement. I cannot walk in a straight line and more often than not I will walk into the person walking next to me. Another thing that goes on in my head is me spotting a stone a way ahead. Me telling myself "Oh look. Stone." Me walking further and forgetting where the stone was/is till I trip on it and then go "Oh there it is!"

Another super funny thing happened yesterday. It has happened to cartoons, to Mr. Bean on occasion and apparently to Kate Walsh, Jessica Alba and me. It's the walking into a wall thing. Going smack into a solid, big, cream coloured, opaque brick wall. Walking into glass doors have been done by many, but how many of you walk by the same brick wall for 10 months before walking into it? No one? I figured.

Even the staff at work have noticed this particular trait of mine. The guy at the door asks me to watch my step outside, the inside guy tells me if the door is open or closed, though they are wood and glass doors. There were some pretty potted plants on my floor. After I fell over them a few times, they aren't there anymore. They have been put inside closed doors.

It's like these things happen only to me. Really. Spilt food? Check. Fallen down the stairs? Check. Walked into walls - glass or otherwise? Check. Been chased by cows? Check. Been chased by dogs? Check. Fallen off a horse while climbing on it? Check. Been caught dancing at your desk at work? Check. Singing? Check. Gotten locked in the bathroom? Check. Been stuck up a tree? Check.

Need I go on?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pigeons + hour long brisk walk = jelly legs

I am fast asleep. Possibly even snoring. I'm at a nice party with Kate Walsh, Ellen and Matthew Perry. We are discussing a broadway play I wrote. Suddenly Matthew is a dog and he growls and barks. I look around at the pitch dark and realise it's not Matt that is a dog, but it's Gypsy that is growling and barking. There are weird banging noises coming from the kitchen. Then something falls. I get out of bed slowly and quietly, grab the rolling pin next to me and my Reebok shoe because I'm pretty sure I'm being robbed. With one hand on Gyp's halter I make my way to the kitchen. I'm ready to clobber anyone who is inside. My fight face is on and there is a scream in my throat.

I scream when I go in to find 3 winged rats flapping about. They are more commonly called pigeons! They are flying about shedding their dander and feathers, not to mention leaving me green presents - an early Christmas present if you will!

Annoying!!!! I shoo them away and then I'm forced to clean the damn mess! And of course my dog decides that this is a lot of excitement and so she needs to go for a walk. At 5:30 in the morning till freaking 6:45!!! I'm exhausted, my legs feel like jelly and this is from the dog who previously would bite my hand off if I tried to get the leash on her and I had to wake HER up at 6 for a walk!

This is what happens when the 2 year old beagle comes for a walk only at about 6:30. She WAITED for him and wouldn't let me take her back to the apartment untill she saw him!

Man. There are cougars and then there's my dog! Nice. This is also the period when the 22year old me has NO men in her life while the old doggie has not one, but 3 suitors! All under the age of 5!

This is very good for my ego. Really.

Monday, September 21, 2009

A Kate Walsh weekend

This weekend was the Emmys weekend. Monday morning at 5:30 was when the live telecast happened and though the red carpet was missed, there were tweets, youtube vids, fanforums all reporting live!

Kate Walsh from Private Practice was one to watch. She wore this gorgeous gown, an amazing hairstyle and an Aldo bag!!! I have Aldo shoes!! Which is super cool cause I live in India, and Aldo isn't really the brand we get here.

Another thing was Kate's McHottie!!! Eek! He is a mystery guy so far, but will post the deets when I get them. Also chack out, her official site.

Other than this, I wedged, ate and slept. Also I started sorting out my closte, which means I'm sleeping on the floor cause my double-bed is filled with my clothes!!! Argh!!!

Will post later~

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Gatorade/Pulpy Orange/Coke?

Yeah I've been a bit busy. I was busy at work pulling in 14 hour days, but not complaining cause, hey, I have a job!

It's Thursday and I cannot wait for the weekend! We have 3 long weekends in a row which totally kicks ass! This weekend is going to be spent doing up my room some more (more wall papering with pictures), rehearsal, 2 movies (Dil Bole Hadipa and Ugly Truth) and the Emmys on Monday morning 5:30 am!!

Season 5 of Grey's premiered yesterday here and it only reinforced my love for Christina and boy did I want to SLAP Meredith! My God she can go on and on bout Derek! Jeez get a grip you weirdo!

Is it funny that I get so invested with these characters and TV shows? Gah! I like Private Practice better honestly. Also, on Tuesday is a new series, America's Most Smartest Model. This should be interesting!

We go fast internet finally at home! The funny thing was that I started to type REALLY fast trying to keep up with the speed! Stupid! This also makes Youtube my good friend!

Vishwa (friend from work) and I made ourselves a list with various nicknames and we both take turns to "focus". I just finished a report that made me go through ALL of the collateral at work and pick out the things that were outdated. Boy was that hard! I took breaks updating my Lorelai and Chris fanfic :D

I also watched some Season One GG and now I want to meet Max Medina. And I listened to Roswell Soundtracks - Destiny by Zero 7 is awesome!

At work, now I am creating wiki pages. Quite confusing if you aren't in tune with Wiki Markup. Yes that is the wiki language. But it's fun and I'm learning.

I also need to make my choice of prefered drinks - Gatorade, Minute Maid Pulpy Orange (sounds dirty huh?) and Coke. Help?

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Yesterday was my first ever rehearsal for my play! It's called Comically Incorrect and I play the assistant/secretary - Pochatkin. It was so much fun. We did some table reading before actually acting it out. I am the novice in this bunch and at first I was soooooo stiff. It was funny cause it was like a robot secretary! I think I got a little better with time, and some more run throughs. I cant wait for practice again next weekend.

Um, also, yesterday was soooo not my day! It pretty much sucked. I got it pretty bad from my mum in the morning, and things didn't get better when I continued to be stupid and thoughtless the rest of the day. All I can say is that it's hard to have a nice day when you are out to get yourself! Even when you really don't mean it.

I don;t know how today will be, but it started off with my mum and dog waking me up at 6:35 on a Sunday and me having a black cat cross my path when walking Gyp. So not fun. The cat was gorgeous though!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Someone once said to me “You are 22 years old! You have no worries! Go live your life!” I sat and thought back. Yes, I’ll admit I don’t have a mortgage or any loan I need to pay off, big bills to pay, a marriage or some other adult-y thing. But, I will also admit I have my 22 year old worries! I have stuff I need to do.

Now I write this blog as a sort of diary of my life now. I had a blog, which was well used in my school and college days. This is a little grown-up but, at the same time, it’s me, which makes it not grown-up in the classical sense either. I don’t know if I’m making any sense at all but whatever.

Here is what’s going on with me. Lets start of with today, September 10th, 2009. It is my baby’s eighth birthday! She is my heart and soul and I am sooooo happy to be her mommy (mother sounds too serious). I watched her since she was a baby, staying up all night, cleaning up after her, making sure she knows her manners and going to high school the next day. Man, I’m glad I’m beyond those days of being woken up in class! Plus making cerelac is not exactly how I pictured my evenings at 14.

To those who don’t know me and are having palpitations at a girl being a mother at 14, my baby is a dog. But we don’t call her that because it’s demeaning. She is my baby in every sense except, we don’t share the same genes. Whatever. Her name is Gypsy. I named her thus because my mum and I move a lot. We haven’t stayed in a house for more than 3 years tops. So Gypsy is definitely a Gypsy.

Other than her, I am an animal lover times 10, addicted to junk food, candy and coca cola. Every person’s nightmare I’ll guess. I have a huge advantage where I’ve got a super high BMR which makes it almost necessary for me to stuff myself with cheese. If it is on top of a pizza or melted and drizzled on Fries, then so be it. I am a vegetarian but not a vegan. I cannot live like that! It’s insane! Kudos to those who manage it! Plus it’s kinda hard to be vegan living in India.

There are 3 things in this world I’m petrified of. Bees, cows and water. I’ve never been stung by a bee, but they just freak me out, almost drowned a couple of times and there is something about breathing water that is unappealing and the cows and I go waaaaaayyy back. Lets just say – I’ve been butt, peed on, stepped on, chased by and held hostage behind cars by cows. It’s because of them I totally believe in conspiracy theories.

This month, I make my big stage debut. As a secretary. It’s a small part, but I would not have wanted anything else honestly. It all happens on the 29th at a supper theatre. Eek is all I can say. I love writing and right now, I write fanfics. For Gilmore Girls. Oh, if you met my family, you’d see that we are the live version of Gilmore Girls and thus I relate to that show like nothing else. I also have a day-job. A fancy corporate day-job with my title being Knowledge Content Analyst. You don’t get fancier than that.

I want to get into the entertainment industry as a writer, so I am exploring the how’s and options. I also will be writing about my journey there and my life in India living with my mother, my baby and not too far from the grand parents. Stay tuned.

Also, if I don’t update soon, please feel free to assume that I have been killed by a cow