Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Just me. Only me.

So, incase you guys don't know, it's a 2 hour journey from work to home every evening. Now there is a traffic signal at my dog's vet which provides for entertaining animal sights. If you are indian, you will know what an Auto is, if you're not, google it. There was this guy who was trying to force his dog, a great dane, into an auto. The funniest thing is that after he finally coaxed his dog to get in, and he got in, the dog jumped out from the other side and he was forced to run after his dog screaming! LOL!

Another thing that happened is that I fell over the plant at work only twice this week! This is a huge reduction from my usual, but I do think my knee has had it with me. It hurts! :(

Also, I woke up this morning to find money under my pillow when I reached to turn off my alarm on my phone. I got so excited and checked my teeth to see which tooth had fallen off! I mean, the tooth fairy left me money right??? It was only when my brain actually woke up, I remembered putting the change from my pyjama pockets under my pillow before falling asleep! Also that I was 22, and if my eeth were falling out, there was would be something wrong with me. aah! Early mornings are the best time!

OMG! My phone ring tone is the song "Good Girls Go Bad" and I was listening to the radio with my earphones (on my phone) and the song came up. I just tried to answer my phone, not understanding why even though I'm "answering" it's not ringing for a good 15 seconds. One must not function on no sleep.

Why no sleep you ask? Well, it is apparently a bad idea for you to eat a triple layered fudge cake at 10pm. It keeps you up. All that sugar.

Oh on the bright side, i set up SMS alerts for Kate walsh's tweets so I get texts from Kate Walsh! Woot!

My life ladies and gentlemen. My life!

1 comment:

  1. Your day sounds almost as interesting as my evening last night.
    I missed my bus by metres because I decided at 9:30pm I wanted to eat my dinner before trekking home. So I stopped at KFC; which resulted in the missing of thy bus.
    Which is ok. Though I had to wait 30 mins for the next one, for it was so late in the evening.
    So I decide to read by the glowing advertisement erected near the bus shelter seat.

    Not 5 minutes later a guy comes a long and sits down next to me. Only to pull out a cigarette. It was like being stuck in a glass cage.
    Finally finished it when I girl sits in between us.
    Which is fine. But then she starts scraping her feet against the ground. In a very over accentuated manner. She keeps doing this. Then she claps. Then she claps again...and again.
    Then she pulls out a bottle and attempts to wildly open and flail her arms to get the pop top off; 3 times.
    Then she takes an almighty swig and once again it takes her 3 times to manage to shut the bottle with a mighty snap of her hand.

    By this stage I am well and truly not paying attention to the text in front of me, desperately trying not to rip her head off. The guy next to her is obviously starting to get jack of it also. For he pulls out ANOTHER Cigarette!! ARGH!!
    Then the girl starts banging her head against the glass. Sighing, moaning...tapping her ring against the glass...AND I GET UP!
    Walk away from the freak and smoke boy.
    When I get on the bus 3 girls decide to sit directly behind me and start bantering in giggly fits!
    So I move...only to have another girl later start crying and blubbering into her phone to someone that she lost all her pay and the house key to some new place she was supposed to be moving into. Apparently she was REALLY HUNGRY and just so tired!!
    I put in my head phones in an attempt to block it all out.
    Only to learn minutes later we have come to a complete stop.
    It seems my bus driver took the wrong exit and was reversing into traffic going 110 km and hour! LIKE WHAT THE HELL!!!

    p.s haha the fact you set your phone up to get SMS's from Kate is hilarious...and awesome mate!
