My morning routine was messed up because I let Gyp sleep in. She was on my bed and was fast asleep and I just didn't have the heart to wake her up for our walk. I decided that I'd get ready for work and then take her. We went for a slightly longer walk and I had to pretty much rush out. I put her breakfast in her bowl, kept fresh water, grabbed my bag and ran out the door.
There was no power, so I raced down the stairs. I live on the fifth floor of an apartment building. As I ran down the stairs, I felt something digging into me in my pocket. When I reached the lobby, I found some money folded inside my pocket. I opened my bag to put the cash into my wallet, only to realise that I had left my wallet behind! I raced back up, to get my wallet and then ran back down the stairs. While I was getting out of the building, I realised I was wearing shoes that I walk Gypsy in!!! Not meant for office wear. I had to run back up and put on my shoes. Then I raced back down, by this time quite tired!
I made it to the bus stop and caught the bus. It was empty and I scored a seat that makes you face the rest of the bus! A couple of stops later, a cute guy walks in and sits some rows away, but we can see each other because his seat is elevated. I'm smiling and he's smiling and it's all going well. Then, a guy who is totally not my type sits next to him and the next time I smile at cute boy, he thinks I'm smiling at him and grins back! EW! I was like, no freaking way, in my head. I then just put my head down and didn't look up at cute guy or not so cute guy.
The lady sitting opposite me got off a few stops later and then, to my horror, not so cute guy comes and sits in her seat!!!!! Ack! Now while I'm panicking, I am running what a horrid morning this has been, when I realise I didn't put any make-up on!!! I totally forgot to put my trademark eye-liner!!! It just feels weird without it. Kinda like forgetting your cell phone.
Then, when Vishwa and I went for our walk, we almost got chased by a cow and we saw a bull with one ginormous testicle! It was the funniest sight ever! I forgot my camera so I couldn't vlog this or take pictures! Will always take my camera when I step out from now on. Lesson well learnt!
Also, while walking into work this morning, our access turnstile whacked me on my behind as I moved it! It's looks like this -