Rachel was SUPER nice and gave me an interview about "Lauren"! Thank you so much Rachel!
Me: When you guys did the table read, did you guys expect how it would
end? Were there any theories you guys came up with before you got the
Rachel: We wanted everything to be fresh...there was no discussion prior to the table read...or at least not on my part!
Me: What was it like with Gubler as a director? Did you start seeing
him differently after the episode was filmed?
Rachel: Gubler was a fantastic director. I was super impressed. I didn't start seeing him differently, but my respect for him grew exponentially. He did a great job and I applaud him. Wow.
Me: As a relatively new person, what was your reaction to Paget
leaving? What is it like without her now?
Rachel: I adore Paget, as did the rest of the cast. She is lovely, funny, and kind. I wish for her to return, but if she finds other projects that thrill her, then I want her to pursue them and be happy. She is fantastic.
Me: What do you think Seaver must have been thinking when Rossi forced
her to profile?
Rachel: I know what Seaver was thinking: she wanted to perform, but she was scared. She was unsure of her place, but knew she had a profiler inside of her. She's special, but she's new and young. She was insecure, but desperate to be bold. She wanted to say the right thing.
Me: Is it weird for you to play Seaver after playing Rebecca Locke on
The Inside?
Rachel: Rebecca was a kick ass character and she provided vital
information, while Seaver is still learning the ropes. I love both characters. I love both shows. I consider myself very lucky to be a part of both of them. Seaver will find her footing, gradually...she has the insight, she just needs the confidence...and the team will be an integral part of her metamorphosis.
Me: What was the atmosphere on set like during the filming of Lauren?
Was it a little more sombre or were there still a lot of jokes?
Rachel: I wasn't shooting every day...but I do believe that it was sombre, yet fun at the same time.
Me: What was it like working with AJ? A lot of Twitter people have been
up in arms about this, but was there any tension on set?
Rachel: AJ is lovely - exactly the person that every CM fan would think her to be. And she was so kind to me that I couldn't help wanting to hug her. She is stunning and sweet, honest and friendly. Working with her was fantastic. She's a cool chick.
Me: What was your favourite moment in the episode?
Rachel: Impossible question to answer!
Me: Describe each member of the cast in one sentence! :)
Rachel: In real life or on the show?
Me: Did you watch the episode when it aired and do you watch things
that you've been in?
Rachel: I did watch the episode. I don't have a TV, but I do get every CM episode on dvd before it airs. Some of the work I've done, I've never seen, but I tend to enjoy watching the episodes of TV that I'm involved in. I have seen every episode of "The Inside", "Alias", and "Criminal Minds"...
Disclaimer: This interview is the property of Romy Skye's World. Do not quote or reproduce this interview without my permission or providing the source.
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