Ella and I reached Largo at 6:30pm and waited in line, hoping for good seats. It was kind of cold, but under my oh-so-stylish sweater and jeans, I had thermals on, so I didn't feel the bite. Such a good thing. We got our seats (row E, because even though we were early, there were about 30 odd people ahead of us) and then wandered a bit and then went in. I said hello to Michael, who is the stage manager at Largo and was very kind to me and it was only because of him, that I got to hang with Paget backstage in July! I then got something to drink at the cafe and we (Ella and me) sat at a table and chatted.
Ella, who was facing the courtyard saw Jonathan Reilly, who is the official TTAASSH photographer. He and I were Twitter buddies so I went up to say hello. He was very sweet and it was lovely meeting him. He even scored some of Nathan Fillion's cookies from backstage for us :) That was cool!
Then I met Busy Philipps from Cougar Town! She is absolutely lovely in person and so sweet. She signed my card and took a picture with me. She was so funny on stage and I really do not understand how she is able to keep a straight face.
It was incredible to meet the Ben Acker and Ben Blacker, because they are show, all said and done. I got them to sign my poster and they are such an inspiration for comedic writers. I hope, that at some point in time, I will have an iota of their talent. They are both very nice and took time out to talk to me, even though they were so busy.
We also got to say hello to Hal Lublin, who is an brilliant voice actor. If he has done audio books, I want to know!!! He has that voice that is so freaking smooth! I feel like he should move to Bangalore and get on Radio Indigo there!!! Pronto!
(Hal, Ella and me)
I got to say hello to Samm Levine, whose work on Freaks and Geeks I have admired for a long time. He is such a great actor and was awesome on stage. Just before we went in, Paul F. Tompkins came out to say hello!! It was surprising, because I didn't know that he was going to be there! I was glad to see him in person there finally after all the tweeting and the video chat on Yowie.
We went inside for the show. The show itself was hysterically funny, with the usual bit with Sparks Nevada: Marshal On Mars and some other stuff including Captain Laser Beam (the funniest bit in my opinion - Captain Laserrrr Beammmm) and Jefferson Reid: Ace American. Since Paget Brewsterwas working and couldn't make it to the show, the Beyond Belief segment had to be dropped.
I don't know how much I can really say about the show because I don't have permission to review the actual show. What I can say is that, if you cannot go to the actual show in LA, listen to the podcast (itunes and non-itunes), because it is the best thing ever!
I got permission to tell you guys what the play is all about, kind of. Aaron Ginsburg, the director, basically told me that I didn't need permission :P So here gos my review!!
The show started off with Sparks Nevada: Marshal on Mars! It stars Marc Evan Jackson, Mark Gagliardi and Busy Philipps. This was so funny and it had Yvette Nicole Brown as the "troubleshooter". The episode was where Red, Busy's character, had broken up with Sparks Nevada (MEJ's character) and chose Croach instead. It seemed as if Sparks had created a simulation of the two of them, where Red told Croach that she had chosen wrong. Then, the simulations needed an upgrade, where they developed minds of their own after Sparks approved the upgrade. To shut them down, The Troubleshooter had to be called. After trading multiple jibes, they were finally shut down.
The next act was in my opinion, the funniest thing ever! This was the Adventures of Captain LaserBeam! This brought out the talent of John Ennis and Hal Lublin. Hal was hysterically funny with his drawl of "Captain LaserBeammm" and "Richarrrddd" (who was played by Matt Braugner). I laughed so much at this bit that I actually got a cramp in my tummy!
In this episode, Captain Laserbeam had to face-off with his third worst enemy King Mammalwith the spirit of the Adventurekateers egging him on and eventually saving him! This was when the King Mammal (played by Nick Kroll) stole the Platypus and another animal that I cannot remember from the zoo. The episode was brilliantly enacted and written!
The third and final act was Jefferson Reid: Ace American - starring Nathan Fillion as Jefferson Reid, Annie Savage as Agent Abby Adams and Samm Levine as Brownie Finn. In this episode, Brownie was kidnapped and changed into a monster by the evil, dirty Krauts. Then Jefferson Reid was called in, to save Brownie and Agent Adams. The best part about this act was the way Annie Savage said "Dirty Kraut" in this voice. It was laugh-out-loud funny. The other things were the expressions on Samm's face whenever they were talking about Brownie. Nathan Fillion pulled off a cool superhero expression, but it was somewhat reminiscent of Castle's expressions. I guess, it's more a Nathan thing, but he did look adorable!
The entire show had advertisements from the sponsors - WorkJuice Coffee and Patriot Brand Ciggarettes. These were little snippets and jingles. The show ended with the cast singing the WorkJuice Anthem, which I've had stuck in my head for the last three days. (I'm editing this on January 11th).
There is a segment with two cops that I cannot remember right now, but when I do, I will put it in!
After the show, we came out and stood near the stage door, waiting patiently for Nathan Fillion, like good little children. He came out and then ran upstairs, just smiling at us. It was like all the people collectively went "Whaaaa?" until we heard that he went up for an interview and would be back for pictures. Phew, right?
He came back after his interview and we took a picture and he signed my card for me. He was so sweet and stayed for quite a while signing things and taking pictures with various people. He's one of those people who you just know you're going to like and have fun hanging out with. He actually is a LOT like Rick Castle.
We said a quick hello to Yvette Nicole Brown from Community, who was sweet enough to take a quick picture with us. She also had such a fabulous hair-do and was awesome on stage! She told me she did it herself!
We also got to hang out with the very cool Annie Savage. She has an incredible voice and is just so lively that you feel so excited being around her!!! I also found a lucky penny (you all know how I am about those) while I was chatting with her which just ups her cool factor! She also had the cutest little hat on!
(Marc Evan Jackson and me)
Then we went to The Little Room where we hung out with the funny and talented Mark Gagliardi, Marc Evan Jackson (who IS Sparks Nevada) and Andy Paley who's orchestra does the music for the show. It was incredible getting to know these insanely talented people and truly humbling that they took the time to chat with me.
All in all, it was an amazing show and evening!! Now all I need is for them to bring the show to Bangalore! We have a really cool theatre culture if anyone who can make this happen is reading this! Until then, I shall blog about Thrilling podcasts! HA!
Jealous of your Samm Levine pic. He's awesome and such a cutie! :)
ReplyDeleteGlad you're having fun!!!!
No Paget this time?
ReplyDeleteNo... No Paget this time which sucked, but the show was still awesome! :)
ReplyDeleteI really envy you. I would love to meet her. But I live on the opposite coast. :(