The minute I met her, I instantly liked her. You know how you meet some people and you just click? Well this was one of them. All I had to go by was that she like shiny things. I got to hang out with her yesterday and Ella, Mesha and I sat for hours making her art boxes. The process that goes into these is insane and she is so dedicated to her work.
She takes the time to go through yard sales and take little toys or trinkets that no one may want and make something arty and meaningful from them. She takes the time to find messages that makes a person think. She gets inspiration from Buddhist philosophy, which I found interesting, because most of the Buddhist messages are universal.
She makes her boxes for adults, people who are just starting out in life (like me) and for kids, who just like fun things! It does take a lot of time and energy because she has to find the right background, the right pieces and the right amount of things to fill the box. She also takes custom orders and will make the boxes specially.
This is one that I absolutely love. I love the simplicity and the message with it.
This one is something that simply stands out. I can't really explain why, but I am attracted to this piece. Say hello to Buddha :)
This one is the Unicorn Disco, which is just so cute and fun.
I think Mesha's work describes her personality and her depth. I think it's amazing what she's doing and how she goes about it. Here she is in the process of making a pre-historic box.
It is fun watching her work and helping her, because it inspires me to get on it with my craft. I may not make pretty boxes or paint pictures, but my craft is writing and I haven't been doing enough of that lately, so this actually inspired me to write my stories and poems! So, thank you Mesha. If you ant to see some of her work, she also has a blog.
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