Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Romy's wisdom

Things I've learned over time and would like to pass on this wisdom.

1) You will always have one species of animals against you. If it's not cows, its moths.
2) No matter how much you promise yourself that you wont, you will walk into a large vehicle once a month.
3) You will get into a tiff with Aloka once a week, but you will still continue to be good friends.
4) You will fall off the bed, at least once a month.
5) You will have random dreams about people that you talk to a lot that night.
6) You will always have spelling issues. You will look at a word like referral and convince yourself referal is the right spelling.
7) You will start to not be able to finish a dessert.
8) You will become mildly allergic to everything you love, starting with pineapple, chocolate and so on.
9) You will start to get organised. More so than you already are. Then you will match your clothes.
10) You will learn to love, but you will also learn to define boundaries.
11) You will not get your fourth wisdom tooth for a very long time. But it's a good thing because you can blame all your silly mistakes on that.
12) You will have "old friends". They will be both, people you've known for a long time and friends who are your mum's age! Who knew.
13) You will still love butterflies, colours and shiny things. They make you believe in the good that the universe has to offer.
14) You will still prefer animals to humans and you will avoid interacting with children at all costs. Apart from Dhruv, but seeing him twice a year isn't too bad.
15) You will discover people who are mini yous. This will be a little scary as your first reaction will be "Hey! Give me me back!"
16) You will suddenly worry about nutrition, and a full meal.
17) You will start hoping your metabolism holds, and when you gain that one kilo, you will worry that it will be the one of many! And you don't want to look like a building.
18) You will wear heels and feel great in them. But you will still hesitate to wear them again.
19) One day, you will feel comfortable with yourself. Then you will be content with life. I'm still waiting for that day.
20) You will get a dimple and smile lines from laughing a lot. Embrace them because they only depict the joy you've had. Others are not so lucky.
21) You will still want a deeper dimple.
22) Your favourite colour will still be purple, but you will like fuchsia a lot more. You will learn new colours like fuchsia that you will have to Google to spell.
23) If you dream big and are determined, it will happen.
24) You will still wish upon 11:11 and mail vans and cross your fingers at ravens.
25) You will be afraid. Afraid that you wont succeed, afraid at the little you've accomplished before you're 26, afraid that you aren't ready to be an adult, afraid of losing love.
26) Last, but not the least, when you truly, truly look at yourself, you will be happy with who you are, with what you've done with your life and feel lucky to be alive and loved!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


If you follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, you'll know that I had a new roommate for four days. If you don't, well here it is. I had a roommate for four days.

The difference between this roommate and my previous roommates is that she only occupied the bathroom and she wasn't exactly the two legged variety. She wasn't even a four legged furry roomie. She was what you would know as a common leaf insect. If you were being particular, she was a Euphasmida. I called her Leafy.

She gave me an awful shock when I first met her, staring at me, all bright green! I didn't really want to share my room and especially my bathroom. My most memorable moment with her was when I was taking a shower, the lights flickered and she flew around. I screamed and pretty much sat on the floor all scrunched up hoping she would go away. It didn't happen. Of course, I was an idiot to hope because, have you met me???? I have no such luck!

I had to get Leafy evicted. She was tormenting me too much and I really didn't find it "cool" anymore. There in, started the process. 

First, I shooed her towards the window, hoping that if I got her close enough, she would go on her own. Apparently that was being too hopeful. She wanted to fight me every step of the way. She flew onto my towel and clung onto it for deal life, while I clung onto my racing heart as it threatened to run away from me. I pulled my towel down from off the rack, wrapped her up and with an arm's distance, ran through the house with her till we reached outside. 

Now that she was outside my house, I still wanted my towel back (it's my hello kitty towel!) but there was no way I was going near it. I then asked my maid, hoping she was braver than I was to help. She walked over, unwrapped my towel, picked up Leafy (like it was no big deal), laughed her behind off at me and my stricken face and then let her go in a tree. 

Then, after this dramatic, traumatic escapade, I had to get ready for work. What a morning.

Dear Leafy, I hope you are well. Take care and please DO NOT come back. Much.... yeah well. Romy.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy New Year!!!!

Hey guys!!! Happy New Year! Hope this one brings only goodness, joy and cheer!

I struck something off my bucket list this year by going to Goa for the New Year. It was one massive adventure and insane amounts of fun!

It started off with an insane FIVE hour flight, stopping through Hyderabad and Pune. Now the direct flight is just 50 minutes. We flew for 45 minutes, landed, stayed on the plane for another 45 minutes, landed, stayed on the plane for 45 minutes and then flew for 30 minutes! Sheesh. By the time we reached Goa, we were totally ready to get off and run. Move our legs, not sit next to strangers and squalling babies. Yes, there were squalling babies on the plane, and of course, in the seat behind me. Not cool. Like my cousin, Smriti, said, planes need to have a soundproof, "family" class. All babies must go there.

Once we reached Goa, we made our way to our hotel, which also turned out to be an Irish pub called Molly Malones! So fun! We relaxed for a bit in the hotel and then, my friend Darren took our starving tummies out to lunch and a little tour of Goa with the churches, Portuguese houses and the long windy roads. Making our way back to the hotel, we then hit the Goa party scene! Good lord, I have never seen so many people and more over, so many men!

Smriti told me that parties where there is an over population of men are called "Sausage Fests". It took me a while to figure out why it was called that! Yes, yes, laugh all you want. She also introduced me to new words like "Cray-Cray". It means crazy, for those who are too busy laughing to grasp the meaning. Apparently it was in some song. But Smriti used it before the song came out. I still haven't decided how I feel about that!

Also, words like "totes", "ridic" and "lates" were used.

With day one done, we hauled out exhausted behinds back to the hotel at 4am (which is VERY late for me as my city shuts down at 11:30pm and you're in bed by midnight!) and we slept in. On day two, which is new years eve, we met my friends Suresh, Thomas and Krissy and went beach hopping, to Baga, Anjuna and Morjim. We ended up scouting some parties near Morjim, which was a massive adventure as they were hard to find and charged a whopping Rs. 5000 to "party till the sunrise". I'm sorry, I am not living my life according to Dancing Till The Sun Comes Out by Pixie Lott.

We ended up hanging out on the beach, in a shack with DJ Sergei spinning some tunes (clearly popular in Russia). It was his first gig and we were happy to support him. Now it was us five and a massive group of Russians on the beach dancing and celebrating. It was, in Goan terms, quiet. Now here is the fun part.

We danced with the Russians, well two Russian women, one of who was obsessed with my cousin's hair. She kept lifting it in wonder! It was hilarious. Another fun thing that happened was that we were all on the beach laughing and joking till some firecrackers (read rockets) came directly at us, chasing us down the beach! Yes it was a little dangerous, but hilarious also, because my cousin who isn't too fond of them was all "this is why crackers are bad!" Hahaha! It was funny. My new years consisted of dancing to Russian music with Russians and getting chased by firecrackers on a beach. Somehow, even my "quiet" new year was anything but!

Day three consisted of us going shack hopping on Baga, trying ice cream with liqueur, paneer tikka and just relaxing. Trying to catch up with everything that had happened on the 31st. It also didn't help that we had a flight at 4am, so we had to leave for the airport at 2am. So we wound up by 10 and decided to get a few hours of sleep.

All in all, it was fun and fantastic! I loved that we did it, but I can promise you one thing. Not again. I think I'm a very dinner, drinks and board games kinda gal!

Beachy times!!!

Yes yes. I had to write in the sand!

  My cousin Smriti and me at Molly Malones!