It happened like this. It was a sunny day, so Ella and I planned on hiking up to the Hollywood Sign. I was very excited until I found out that there was a HUGE fence around it. I had already seen it from Griffith Park, so we decided to go to the walk of the stars thing and then hit the Grove.
The Grove is a mall, but it's not really in a building. It's got a Farmer's market, stores, apartments and restaurants. It's this little area with roads and side walks (footpaths) and stuff, but no actual cars are allowed. It does have a tram (trolley) in there though. So while I was crossing the road, I tripped and flailed for about ten freaking seconds yelling "I'm falling, I'm falling" repeatedly till I fell and said, "Oh, I fell." Luckily, because I was flailing, I was also leaning forward and running (trying to gain balance), my fall was not from the epic five feet, ten inches it usually is, but a mere two feet high. So I ended up bruising my knee a bit and scraping my hand. But in case no one had noticed, a scraped hand hurts like hell!!!
So, to make me feel better, Ella and I decided to go shopping. We went to Barnes and Nobles where I really wanted to get Portia de Rossi's book "Unbearable Lightness". I went to the back to ask a store clerk where I could find a copy because the store there is three stories tall and I had never been there before and I had no intention of walking up and down trying to figure out how the store was structured. I was still in pain and by then, my knee was telling me that I had hurt it also (the scraped hand was burning, so I didn't really realise I had hit my knee).
The clerk told me that someone had just returned a copy and asked it I would be interested in it. I really didn't care as long as the all the pages were there and it wasn't in a bad condition. So he led me back to the sales desk and gave me the book. I opened it to check if everything was there and it was a freaking SIGNED copy!!!!! Some doofus called "Susie Lee" had returned a personalised signed copy!!!! Of course I took it! My name is not Susie Lee, but really, what are the chances that me, a girl from India, will go into Barnes and Nobles in LA and get a signed copy of Portia's book?
I went to get it billed and actually asked for a discount because it was a returned copy and they gave me one!!! So I basically got a discounted, autographed book! I think it balanced out the falling in the Grove, in front of a LOT of people thing.
That day was a very good day in my book. Now all I have to do is actually meet Portia and get it readdressed. Anyone know someone who knows someone who knows her? Or anyone know her?